
Sustainability Leap is an online service that encourages all Finns, both communities and private persons, to implement cleaner and more energy-efficient methods for heating, transports, and producing goods and services, while conserving nature and natural resources.

The leaps in the service are concrete actions and solutions that have already made Finland more energy- and material-savvy, and that have stopped the loss of nature.

When these good examples are utilised in every home, municipality and workplace, the impact is multiplied.

A good sustainability leap is great for the environment and nature, but it often also makes economic sense.

In many of the examples in the service, an investment will pay itself back in a few years, and the investment will eventually generate a return. With these projects, you can save both nature and money.

Anyone can add their own leaps to the service – even you. By sharing your leap here, with your neighbours, or in the workplace coffee room, you can encourage others to take action, and the journey towards a sustainable society will be shortened.

Sustainability Leap is administered by the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke).

History of the service

The service is based on the key project to digitalize public services that was launched by Juha Sipilä’s government. In 2017, the Finnish Environment Institute received pilot project funding from KIRA-digi for the construction of the original energialoikka.fi online service.

Since then, the service has continued to be developed in the EU Life projects Circwaste, EconomisE and Canemure. The service was expanded with the inclusion circular economy topics and its name was changed to Energy and Material Leap.

In 2022, nature solutions were added to the service, the categories were changed to Climate, Circular Economy and Nature, and the name of the service was changed to Sustainability Leap. The service’s marketing address is kestävyysloikka.fi.

If you wish, you can contact the administrators of the Leap service via Syke’s feedback system:

Suomen ympäristökeskus, Finlands miljöcentral, Finnish Environment Institute
KIRA-digi -tunnus.
Circwaste EU Life project, funding id: LIFE15 IPE FI 004.
EconomisE EU Life project, funding id: LIFE16 GIC/FI/000071.
Canemure EU Life project, funding id: LIFE17 IPC/FI/000002 LIFE-IP CANEMURE.
Voit etsiä loikkia yhdellä tai useammalla hakusanalla. Haku kohdistuu loikkien sisältöön ja metatietoihin, kuten kategorioihin, asiasanoihin ja sijaintiin. Hakemalla esimerkiksi "ilmastoloikka porvoo" löytyvät kaikki Porvoon kaupungista raportoidut ilmastoloikat. You can search for leaps matching one or more terms. The search targets both content and metadata such as categories, keywords, and location. For example, by searching for "climate leap Porvoo" you will find all the climate leaps reported in the city of Porvoo.