Join us in building a sustainable Finland!

Check out this database of impressive solutions and help us rise to the top in mitigating climate change, building a circular economy and protecting our biodiversity.
Jyri Seppälä

Sustainability transformation means carrying out actions to curb climate change, promote a circular economy and halt the loss of nature.

The change stems from root-level measures. At its best, one measure combines all dimensions of sustainability. At the very least, care must be taken to ensure that the promotion of one goal does not undermine another.

Our cooperation is a great force for change. The Sustainability Leap is a platform where we can learn from each other. Each operation is larger in size when it is duplicated.Professor Jyri Seppälä, SYKE

Leap doers


Housing, mobility and consumption – Learn about smart sustainability solutions for consumers and households.


Control means set by public actors and public procurement play an important role in the construction of a smart and sustainable society.

Siirry selaamaan yritysten ja järjestöjen energia- ja materiaaliloikkia

Companies and NGOs

Carbon neutrality and material efficiency are today’s competitive advantages. Find examples of new practices, products, services, and innovations.

Popular topics

Voit etsiä loikkia yhdellä tai useammalla hakusanalla. Haku kohdistuu loikkien sisältöön ja metatietoihin, kuten kategorioihin, asiasanoihin ja sijaintiin. Hakemalla esimerkiksi "ilmastoloikka porvoo" löytyvät kaikki Porvoon kaupungista raportoidut ilmastoloikat. You can search for leaps matching one or more terms. The search targets both content and metadata such as categories, keywords, and location. For example, by searching for "climate leap Porvoo" you will find all the climate leaps reported in the city of Porvoo.