The City of Hamina awarded – LED renovation to save electricity at the Ruissalo Sports Centre

In the picture from the left are Environmental Director Tapio Glumoff, City of Hamina; Pasi Tainio, Finnish Environment Institute (Syke); Director of the Public Works Matti Filppu, City of Hamina; Project Manager Oskari Marttila, Valoremontti Oy; and CEO Sami Santalahti, Valoremontti Oy.

The City of Hamina replaced the old fluorescent lighting of the Ruissalo sports hall with LED technology in autumn 2017. Before the investment, the lighting consumed approximately 82,000 kilowatt hours of electricity every year. The new lighting is estimated to consume almost 80% less electricity, making annual consumption approximately 17,200 kilowatt hours.

Renewing the lighting was part of the substantial renovation of the Ruissalo sports hall. Facility Services Manager Juha Tiitta and Manager of Electrical Work Tommi Saarainen at the City of Hamina are satisfied with the results because the repairs were successful, and the first user feedback has been positive.

The lighting is even, does not glare, and is easy to adjust according to the situation.

Manager of Electrical Work Tommi Saarainen

The estimated service life of the LED lamps is approximately 50,000 hours, which means well over ten years at normal usage rates. The repayment period of the investment is relatively short at approximately four years.

The new lighting is divided into three sectors with two programmed lighting levels. Rationalising the placement of the lighting fixtures, the number of lamps could be reduced by half from the original situation. The users can now adjust the lighting as needed in the sports facilities.

Lighting renovations provide a significant energy saving potential for municipalities

In Hamina, the renovation was carried out by Valoremontti Oy, a company specialised in renovating property lighting systems. The new lighting control system was supplied as a turnkey solution.

The comprehensive assignment may include assisting the client with applying for energy subsidies, for example, which may make it easier for cities to make the investment decision. With an energy subsidy of 20%, for example, the total investment would decrease from 34,000 to 27,200 euros, reducing the repayment period to approximately three years.

According to CEO Sami Santalahti at Valoremontti Oy, the municipal sector has an extensive need for a lighting reform in facilities similar to the Ruissalo sports hall.

Price should not be the only factor in deciding on acquisitions; energy efficiency, quality, reliability, and a functional service concept should be weighted in the evaluations, even in the municipal sector.

CEO Sami Santalahti, Valoremontti Oy

A tried and tested model could be copied and carried out as a joint procurement for several municipalities. The tendering process and defining the tendering criteria are often clear bottlenecks.

Everyone who can affect the energy efficiency of properties and who manage properties with old and energy consuming technologies should do what the awarded Hamina has done. The procedure is affordable, financially extremely profitable, and quick and easy to carry out, and it can be copied extensively in various properties around Finland.

Hinku Team Leader Pasi Tainio

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Valoremontti Oy

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The leap archive of Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities (Hinku).

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