“Energiaporinat”, Energy talk project, Ii

The “Iisisti Energinen” project developed an “Energia Porinat”(meaning energy talk). The goal of this was to get close to municipal residents, associations and organizations to hear and talk with them. The project ran from May 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019.

Energy talk have taken a new approach by organizing information quizzes that include information and guidance on circular economy and energy efficiency.

The events have traditionally started with coffee and a brief introduction. For the quiz itself, the participants are divided into teams of 3 to 4 and the teams compete against each other. The quiz questions are based on the Environmental Game “Kipinä” made by Recycling Center. Participants discuss one question at a time in teams and ponder the right answer. After every question right answer is given and it is discussed with the whole group. Finally, the score for each team is calculated.

After the quiz, we have stayed to give advice and answer some questions from the participants. Advice has been given about for example about solar power plants, joint procurement, geothermal and air heat pumps. A program was used that can roughly estimate the cost of different heating modes on the spot. For those who are interested, more detailed calculations have been made, for example, on the transfer to geothermal heat.

These talks have been a well-known and well-liked way to share energy awareness. The participants also appreciated the neutral sharing of energy information. The atmosphere has been relaxed, and this approach led to a lot of discussion.

Energy talks were organized during the project in seven different associations, with a total of 295 participants.

Events had relaxed atmosphere and lots of discussion was made.

Actors and projects

The leap archive of Ii.
The leap archive of Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities (Hinku).

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