All Ii schools and day care centers are involved in energy monitoring, which monitors monthly consumption of heating, electricity and water and implements energy efficiency measures with students. The idea is to teach and learn about sustainable development, which is one of Iis four pillars of teaching- and early childhood education services.
According to the 50/50 method, the municipality returns to schools and kindergartens half of the financial savings that students have made through their energy efficiency measures. What the jointly earned savings bring in is proposed and decided by the students themselves. Savings have been used for example to exercise and leisure activity equipment that can be used by as many age groups as possible.
Schools and kindergartens will receive a teaching package about energy and energy saving including assignments, as well as support and tips for completing the project. The pupils have been monitoring the energy consumption of the properties, for example. temperature, power consumption and lux meters. The savings have been influenced in particular by the commitment of the teachers and the school’s own activity to brainstorm and find ways of saving together.
Pupils have been so enthusiastic about saving tips that they have applied them also at home.
In 2018, Ii municipal schools and kindergartens (14 properties in total) saved a total of 23 497€, of which the municipality returned 50% (11 748 €), to pupils.