Useless -mobile app converts savings in consumption in sustainable investments

Photo: Useless

70 % of the greenhouse gas emissions are generated from the consumer choices made by us ordinary people. The way we live, travel and eat is of great importance. While we satisfy our shopping hunger with impulse purchase, the critical solutions for stopping climate crisis are under-funded.

Finnish household spends approximately 35 000 euros per year. Research shows that a household could save thousands of euros a year by making small changes in food and travel related consumption. Thus, contrary to the general mantra, environmentally fair life is not expensive – the best environmental act is simply not to consume.

Useless is a comprehensive responsibility tool that transforms people’s habits by encouraging saving and investing in sustainable development. The environment can be positively affected by improving your own economy, as every saved euro will save approximately 500 grams of the greenhouse gas emissions. With the savings tips we have calculated, the household can save up to 5000 euros annually which reduces 2500 kg of CO2. This corresponds about a fifth of the average Finnish carbon footprint.

Useless Company – on the way to becoming a pioneer in Nordic responsible investing

The Useless Company’s product is a consumer-oriented mobile application and the first version will be launched in Finland in 2019. The application can generate savings that can later be invested or donated to sustainable development sites on the Useless platform. Operations start from Finland, but the goal is to expand to other Nordic countries and Northern Europe in the next few years.

Behind the company is a passionate group of sustainability research experts. Founding members have a strong research background in for instance life cycle assessment. The company has two official employees and six partners. In addition to life cycle assessment experience, the company’s CEO Maija Leino has years of experience in launching new projects and finding funding for them.

At the moment Useless Company is developing its service in close cooperation with customers and key partners. In addition, the company is involved in the Helsinki City HOPE-project (Healthy Outdoor Premises for Everyone), which has received EU funding of five million euros. HOPE examines improving air quality in the Helsinki capital area with for instance 5G-test environments and participatory budgeting.

Follow Useless story in some-channels @uselesscomp and sign up for the application’s waiting list at

Actors and projects

The leap archive of Useless Company.

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