National joint procurement of solar power systems open 2016–2020 – dozens of municipalities participating already

Together with the Finnish Environment Institute, Kuntahankinnat has put solar power stations to be connected to the electrical grid out to tender.

The agreement covers the solar power stations and installing them ready for use. In addition, the agreement covers maintenance and repair outside the warranty, as well as spare parts.

The Finlandia Hall in Helsinki had solar panels installed. Photo: Johanna Saario

Municipalities, joint municipal authorities, municipally-owned companies, and parishes may participate in the joint procurement of solar power stations arranged by The Finnish Environment Institute and KL-Kuntahankinnat Oy without their own tendering process. The agreement can be entered into at any time until 2020, and at later stages throughout the entire four-year agreement period.

The monthly fee also makes the investment risk-free for the municipality


By the end of April 2018, approximately 1 MWp worth of solar power systems had been installed.


Over 50 municipalities or operators have given their commitment, such as the City of Tampere, the City of Hanko, Helsinki Region Environmental Services (HSY), the municipality of Ii, and the City of Seinäjoki.


As the price of the stations is affected by the size and installation location, there are different price categories in the agreement. In the monthly fee model, the devices and their operation will be the responsibility of the supplier for the duration of the agreement period, allowing the municipality to only pay the monthly fee when the station produces the promised amount of electricity.

Actors and projects

The leap archive of EconomisE.
The leap archive of Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities (Hinku).

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