Molok Ltd: Boosting recycling rates with neighbourhood collection

Six types of waste are collected at a neighbourhood collection station for residents of single family homes: organic waste, paper, carton, glass, metal and mixed waste. Photo: Molok Oy

In the residential area of Hiukkavaara in Oulu, sustainable design of waste management was already taken into account at the planning stage. The block collection points were implemented with Molok deep collection tanks, the maintenance and emptying are carried out by the municipal waste management company Kiertokaari.

The nearby collection point motivates to sort

Block collection point is a new approach to waste collection which aims to facilitate the sorting of waste in densely populated one-family house areas, where about one million Finns currently live. Block collection brings the sorting points close to the residents’ daily routes. A block collection is placed in a central location to serve several households simultaneously. This enables smooth sorting for up to eight types of waste without long journeys even in one-family house areas. When residents are able to sort their waste more easily, the amount of mixed waste is reduced and more recyclable materials can be reused.

The residents of Hiukkavaara share the block collection points. There are about 60 households in the area that use four collection points, i.e. about 15 households uses one collection point. Six types of waste are collected at each collection point: energy waste, bio-waste, paper, carton, metal and glass.

The residents pay the usage and emptying fees according to the price list of Kiertokaari. The annual usage fee covers the investment costs of the collection points, while the emptying costs are paid according to the number of empties. In Hiukkavaara the block collecting has yielded cost-effective results even comparing only emptying mixed waste container.

More information

Project Manager Jenni Rahkonen, Molok Oy

Actors and projects

The leap archive of Molok Ltd.

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