Commute transportation experiment, Ii

• In the background, the councils group initiative to improve public transport

• The topic is also supported by a survey conducted by the City of Oulu for young people.
The survey mapped young people’s wishes for their living environment. One of the main points
(out of the three main themes), good public transport links rose.

• It was necessary to find out what kind of public transport users would use

The experiment progressed in stages:

1. In autumn 2016, user data on traffic and public transport was collected by Service Design by Palo
group and in-depth interviews, diaries, and a map-based survey.

2. The collected user data was analyzed to identify public transport problems and new needs.

3. In the spring of 2017, solutions to the needs of user personalities were sought from companies through a challenge contest and a staged award ceremony.

4. At this stage, issues related to the implementation of the winning idea were defined. Consept
was visualized to better demonstrate the service to users and then deploy (November 2017).

Feedback from the pilot was collected from the people participating in experiment to develop local traffic and to promote the commercialization of the service.

In the picture below is first weeks goings and returns.

Results from first week.

The direct line was surprisingly fast (even in the minds of those using their own car) and the recovery from work started already under way.



Test results can be found from:

Actors and projects

The leap archive of Ii.
The leap archive of Towards Carbon Neutral Municipalities (Hinku).

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